Gloucester City AFC 
Supporters Trust
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Member's Invitation to Trust's
Annual General Meeting

Updated: 23 July 2024

Trust President Tom Webb addresses the 2023 AGM
Formal notice has been issued for all of our current Trust Members inviting them to attend this year's Annual General Meeting, being held on Sunday 4 August in the Clubhouse, Tiger Turf Stadium, starting at 2pm.

The meeting will be chaired by Trust chairman Robin Mogg and give members the opportunity to ask questions on the Trust's activities and accounts, as well as elect new GCST Board members.


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of 2023 AGM for approval

3. Chairman’s Report

4. Treasurers Report

5. Appointment of Independent Examiner and acceptance of accounts

6. Election and re-election of club officers

7. Any other business

Under the Trust's rules, board members must stand down after 2 years service though they are entitled to seek re-election.  Any current member aged 16 or over who wishes to serve on the Trust's Board is warmly invited to stand for election. This can be done at the AGM where you will need a proposer and seconder who must be current Trust members, or by email to the Trust Secretary stating your name and including the names of your proposer and seconder. 

You can view the formal AGM Notice, last year's minutes and the Trust audited accounts via our Governance page.

You can sign-up to join the Supporters Trust right here

2023 Supporters Trust AGM story and details