Gloucester City AFC 
Supporters Trust
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Governance and Meeting Minutes

Annual General Meetings

Trust Board Meetings

NB. All meeting minutes are considered draft until formally approved as accurate by the subsequent meeting. We publish minutes to be as transparent in our work and discussions as possible but at times some references may be omitted from published versions where they refer to individuals, personal data, or commercially or legally sensitive issues.
Members may request to observe board meetings or raise issues to be considered at meetings, however voting rights at board meetings are reserved to elected directors.  Further details can be found in the Member's Handbook and Brief Constitution below.

The Governance Nuts and Bolts
The Trust carries out some of the functions of an old-fashioned football supporter club, but it has many more additional safeguards and legal rights that also make it a more powerful for supporters to raise money and get involved.
  • Each individual paid-up Trust member owns a £1 non-refundable share in the Trust for the duration of their membership.
  • Our work is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority who require us to submit annual, appropriately audited financial returns.
  • The Trust is a member of the Football Supporters Association which regularly consults with member bodies on policy matters and can also provide advice and support when necessary.

You can find out more about the Trust's aims, structure, decision making, code of conduct - and your rights and responsibilities as a Trust Member inside our GCST Member's Handbook - download it here.

The Trust was born from the former Gloucester City Supporters' Club as reformed in 1998, and then formerly reconstiuted in 2001. You may find the original version of the 2003 constitution back then of interest - the guiding principles and aims remain unchanged.