Gloucester City AFC 
Supporters Trust
Join Shop 

Join the Trust as a Member

Gloucester City AFC Supporters Trust is a democratic membership organisation.
We only have a strong voice by acting together, we only our football club by working together.
Join us today - either as a T-Ender or as a standard member.

In March 2024 the Trust was able to announce we had become joint owners of Gloucester City AFC after acquiring a 16% shareholding.
As a Trust member, you are also now a joint shareholder in the Football Club as well.

The (other) T-End


Join the T-Enders

Many of our Trust members are T-Enders.
The subscription for being a T-Ender currently begins from as little as £5 per month (recommended at £10 per month) and is paid through a recurring monthly payment to the Trust from the payment credit or debit card you supply us and will continue unless you contact us to cancel it.
You will enjoy continuous Trust membership throughout the time this payment is made.

Some generous Trust members give a larger amount, please give what you feel you can afford as these monthly payments are our main source of income for our work and donations to the football club.

You can also pay a monthly membership of £5 or more by setting up a monthly standing order to the Trust's fully independent and audited bank account. This would need to be created by you from your bank account, contact for our account details if you would prefer to pay this way.
From £5 per month, recurring subscription payment.
Tiger Turf Stadium, Meadow Park

Standard Trust Membership

Standard Annual Membership of Gloucester City AFC Supporters Trust is £10 per season for adult members and we are now offering discounted membership for younger members.
All annual memberships run to the end of the current football season and will expire at the end of June.

If you prefer you can also discuss joining and get further details from our Trust volunteers on first team home match days. You'll find them selling golden goal and draw tickets near the turnstiles and they'll be happy to help.

£10 per year for adults
£5 per year for ages 16-18, £1 for under 16s

Membership Rights

The Gloucester City AFC Supporters Trust operates on a one member, one vote basis - regardless of how you joined or how much you pay for your membership. Each member owns a share in the Trust 'company' for as long as your membership is paid up to date.
Significant decisions and the election of Board Members are usually decided by our Annual General Meeting. You have a right to see how the Trust uses your money and to see the accounts.
If you have an idea or want to get involved, your opinion and help will always be welcome. If you don't like something, or want us to do something more, get involved.
We can only do as much as our members enable us to do. It's your organisation.

You can find out more about the Trust's aims, structure, decision making, code of conduct - and your rights and responsibilities as a Trust Member inside ourGCST Member's Handbook - download it here.


Well, right now this is a fairly awkward question... Isn't the best benefit the warm glow of knowing you're helping our football club, your fellow fans, and our fair city?
What we can now say is that since March 2024 the Trust is now a joint owner of Gloucester City AFC having acquired a formal 16% shareholding, and achieving our long held founding ambition for the fans to once again hold a collective stake in our football club. That shareholding means that each Trust member in turn also now owns an equal share of that 16% stake in the club. 
However the Trust isn't really about benefits, the Trust is not about asking what your football club can do for you, but asking what you can do for your football club. And in turn making sure it improves and grows in a way you want, and thrives within our community. And of course each of our members gains an equal £1 non-refundable share in the Trust itself for the duration of your membership.
However, the Trust is now running supporter coaches for away games so we can offer a 10% discount to Trust members on away travel. In the past the Trust was able to offer members some other small benefits as a thank you for your support and whilst this hasn't been possible in recent times we hope to revisit this in the near future. We do feel you, the supporters, should be recognised for the contribution we make.

Sign up the Trust now!

Come and join us and help us push our football club forward.
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